Monday, November 26, 2007

Time sure flys...

Wow, I completely forgot about my blog. For almost a month! It is is only 4 days until Karl Oskar and I leave for Montevideo so I guess I should update a bit on what has been happening here and as well explain better why I want to find another project, because looking back at my entries I don´t think I have explained very well what I do at Barriletes and why things are the way they are. Anyway, two days after my last entry I moved in with a new family (haha, yes anyone reading this must think I am very difficult to live with having switched families 3 times now, but honestly my new family loves me!) hehe, that being said, I love my new family as well. I am very welcomed and it is nice to share a house with only women. I have two host sisters, Julieta is 20, studies translation and is moving to the USA in December to work and practise her English, Ximena is 19, studies law and sleeps in the bed underneath me (haha, yes I believe it is karma, after two years of managing a bottom bunk in UWC, I now sleep on the top bunk!) Anyway, we live in an apartment (9th floor) near the center with their mother. It is very nice although right now both of my "sisters" have exams and my "mother" works almost 12 hour days so I don´t see them that much.
As for other things, my Spanish has improved quite rapidly in the last month in terms of understanding. Although I don´t understand everything yet, when I am speaking one on one with a person I have no trouble and I have even watched a couple movies in Spanish (without subtitles) with my sisters. As for speaking, well I know that I my accent will never be perfect, haha, nowhere near to perfect, but I am trying, and I think that is the most important thing, if I am teased about my accent I have chosen just to ignore or laugh about it now where as before I used to become discouraged or upset. I realize that the people that tease me obviously have insecurities of their own either in a different language or in Spanish. However, sometimes I do feel a bit frustrated because for 2 years at UWC I never once made fun of someones English (to be honest it never even occured to me to discourage people from trying to learn a new language) and it just isn´t enjoyable to speak when I feel as though certain people are only listening for my mistakes or funny accent. But anyway, I´m taking a new attitude to Montevideo, an attitude of it´s their problem if they feel the need to make fun of how I speak. I am trying and Iwill continue to try and I can be understand so it is all okay.
What else? Oh yes, Barriletes. The past weekend was very lovely because Barriletes had their end of year party. There was a show with both the kids from Barriletes performing (drumming and doing gymnastic type activites) and other singers/drummers. It was all great. Isabell even performed some acrobatic type stuff with this guy from Barriletes, she didn´t know until that day when they asked her to perform, she did great! (I was very impressed!) Today I went to Barriletes all morning and cleaned up the huge mess that was left after the party. It is so hot today and it was not so enjoyable to stack chairs, sweep and wash the floors, but it was all necessary work and I felt useful, which was nice because often this is not the case.
I think I now understand why it seems to me like a volunteer is not needed very much, but why Bruna was told that there was space for me. The reason for this is because the head of Barriletes does not often go to the actual activites with the kids or really with any of the day to day running. He basically publishes the magazine in his home but he does not know that much about the other parts. The other workers that I normally spend my time with know that there is not really a place for another person (like me) since there just isn´t that much to do. I mean it is great on Saturdays when I go and play with the children, but again, not necessary. I ask for jobs to do, but the most I can do is help with cleaning on Monday mornings. Overall I go to Barriletes a little more than 30 hours a week and the rest of the time the place isn´t open. I thought when I came that I would work 30 hours a week, but it was a miscommunication. The reason for this is the head of Barriletes said that a volunteer was needed when really he didn´t know that this was not the case. Therefore, I have been searching for other projects in Montevideo, so far I haven´t found anything. The others have been searching as well. I think Karl Oskar is going to Peru in January, Alex is going to Salta ( a different province in Argentina) and Isabell may go to work on a farm in Chile. For me none of this are viable either because I can´t see myself spending 3 months working on a farm, haha, or because I can´t afford to fly to Peru. Also, I have found quite a few very "commerical" volunteering projects but they want to charge ridiculous amounts of money to go to "volunteer". haha, seems a bit strange to pay others so that you can go volunteer your time. I am still searching and I hope to encounter something once I go to Montevideo. However, part of me really would like to return just because I have become close to some of the kids and my host family now and they all want me to return. If I do decide to return I think I will see if there are other places I can work at here, because I do not like to have so much free time, it is not how I envisioned my 6 months here.
I guess I have written a lot now. I am obviously very confused right now about my future plans. I need to go meet the others for lunch right now but I will try not to forget about my blog in the next month...


Anonymous said...

Hi Rochelle,
I wish you the best of luck with your search for gainful employment in the coming weeks. "Paying for the right to volunteer" is a bit of an oxymoron, isn't it? I wouldn't put too much stock in the comments people make about your accent. In most cases, the jokes aren't made with malicious intent; people just like to laugh at the incongruity of seeing someone different trying to act like them: like when you see a monkey riding a bicycle. ;)
Actually, what I find interesting while reading your blog is wondering if your spanish training is affecting your english comunications. At certain times in your writing, some of your verb tenses are incorrect, but make the thoughts sound like someone trying to communicate in English when English isn't their first language. Hey, if you're speaking nothing but Spanish all the time, you can't help but start to think in the language as well. Just an observation. After living in England for two years, I came back and found all of these English expressions had crept into my vocabulary without my really being aware of it. Believe me, I took some good natured abuse from my family those first few weeks back over it. Just laugh about it and let the comments pass. Most people are nervous when meeting foreigners anyway and a "good-natured" laugh can help break the ice.
I have to get ready for my rehearsal tonight, so best of luck and take care of yourself.
Uncle Rick
(And just so you know, while we are now friends on Facebook, I hardly ever check my site so if I don't respond to something you say there, don't take it personally.)

Unknown said...

hey there!

i'm kind of catching up on your blog and seeing the incredible number of things that you do! don't worry about the host family by the way. i don't know if i ever told you but the one time i spent a summer in france i had to change families several times. that doesn't mean that you're difficult to live with or anything. they just don't know any better! hope you're enjoying your time in Brazil. I'm kind of jealous and its sort of funny that i decide to read your blog some more when i have 9384934 papers to do. anyway...i think you should post more photos on your blog! (if possible.) good luck with everything that's coming!