Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Statement of Future Plans for Kaisa and Rochelle

Draft Resolution 1a: The New Deal
Committee: The SuperBrain (minus KO and Jacob)
Sponsors: Kaisa, Rochelle
Signatories: Jacob, Rochelle’s family, Kaisa’s family

Acknowledging the need to graduate by Spring 2012;

Recognizing the difficulties that a second exchange term would pose for said graduation;

Highlighting their desire to familiarize themselves with the City of Vancouver;

Bearing in mind that their plans to rent an apartment together may only come to fruition if able to prepare for the move ahead of time;

Emphasizing their love of traveling but;

Realizing that they are “sick and tired of moving so much”  and;

Deeply convinced that the Spring 2011 term would better spent with friends we miss in Vancouver.

1. Accepts that their initially planned exchange terms in Sweden and Mexico for the spring 2011 will not be feasible

2. Recommends that Kaisa and Rochelle will return to Simon Fraser University to continue their studies

3. Regrets that Kaisa cannot study close to home for a term

4. Declares accordingly that the next four terms in Vancouver will be a blast!

*Sorry, we know that this is an incredibly nerdy way of informing everyone of our change of plans. On the bright side, we now get to write more of these draft resolutions since we will be back for SFUMUN :-)


Anonymous said...

That's crazy! I can't wait to see you again. Think you might maybe have a space on mun for me maybe?

Rochelle Brie Wagner said...

Heck yes! You are more than welcome. We can't wait to see you too!

Cassie said...

So despite the fact that it sucks that you wont be going to Mexico i am SOOOOO happy that you are coming back not only for MUN, but to be with Ali and I on our super awesome floor, and just other general awesome-ness in which we shall partake in when you get back! <3

Rochelle Brie Wagner said...

AND You'll be 19 now so the awesomeness will be even more awesome than usual :P

I'm so excited to see you too Cassie and I'm thrilled that my favourite resident (this is a test to see if Rachael actually reads my blog :P) and my favourite sister are on the same floor. Awesome indeed.

Mom said...

I am sorry that you will not be able to study in Spanish but am very happy that you will be back in the country....I'll be coming to visit kiddo :)

Nat Rudy said...

This is extremely funny. Just the layout, I haven't read the content yet.

Dominika said...

Rochelle! The fact that you wrote that in the form of a resolution is just too amazing for words! Looking forward to running into you when you get back!

Rachael said...

Yes I do....but not anymore after that comment!! Sorry about not going to Mexico anymore that's great you're back at SFU. Save travels.

Zahra said...

dude im so confused and happy for u! read ur blog sounds like some amazing trips! confused tho, how come no mexico??

miss u and can't wait to see u in jan! lets go invade rez together and remind em why they miss us :P?
