Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Grand Plan... with help from the Bible

Yes I know. I officially fail when it comes to blogging. I have written properly only once, even though I`ve been in Ghana for over five weeks.
Kaisa and the Bible (aka Lonely Planet`s Guide to West Africa)

In my defense a lot has happened in the past few weeks; we went to Cape Coast (Western Ghana) and Togo, Kaisa got Typhoid Fever, and I got engaged (err.. on facebook). Not to mention that I am taking six classes and attempting to make friends in this ridiculously hot climate! However, I am now quite settled and ready for travel adventures and blogging about them when I return!

Kaisa and I have spent the last 24 hours in an intensive planning session. We now think we have the majority of our weekends and week trips planned. I will share our plans now so that those of you that have travelled in Western Africa before have the opportunity to give us some tips and suggestions for the places we plan to visit.

September 16-20th -  Trip to Benin

September 24-26 - Trip to Keta, Ghana

October 1-4 - Trip to the Volta Region in Ghana

October 8-10 - Trip to Kumasi, Ghana

October 15-17 - Trip to Fete, Ghana

October 22 - 25 - Visit Kokrobie Beach in Ghana (relaxing weekend before big travel plans begin)

October 30- November 7 - Trip to Cote D`Ivoire (During the general election!) - One week off of school

November 7 - 11 - Last week of classes, my grandparents (Louise and Joe) come to visit Ghana!

November 11 - 22 to 26 - Trip to Burkina Faso and Mali (This is revision week and exam period)

November 27 - First Exam

November 28 - December 3rd - Travel to Northern Ghana (Tamale, Mole National Park)

December 4 - 11 Five other exams

December 11 - 18 Travel to Nigeria (Hopefully go to a Model United Nations in Abuja)

December 18-20 - Back in Accra

December 20 - Fly Home!

We obviously have a much more detailed plan of what we want to see but this is a basic outline of our plans. It should be quite an amazing 3 months! As I said, I will try to update my blog after each major trip, starting wtih Benin after this weekend. In the meantime, I`d better go pack!
Ready to travel!


Anonymous said...

That sounds very exciting...I wish you guys all good health so that your travels go smoothly.


Rick said...

Do not travel....stay in your room and study.
Love Dad
P.S. I approve this message.

M. J. Hawkins said...


That sounds like quite the plan! I can't wait to hear how it goes.

and as far as blogs go... I'm the worst at keeping up with them. I've created one and written nothing so far... hahaha

I tried to get in touch with you on facebook but you didn't respond so I thought I'd write you on here! Anyways I miss you (and Jacob and Kaisa) and would love to catch up with you soon.

xo M

Katherine C said...

Hi Rochelle...good to see you haven't "planned" too much while you are there! LOL. Miss you around the office...I so need your organizing skills right now (got stuck with some conference stuff to organize-I have to learn that 'no' word)! I'll try to get you a picture of the "projects" we worked on...something to be proud of for sure. Councillor Jim did a photo op yesterday with the new recycle bins and guess who got sucked in to the picture cause public works was "busy". oh well! I'll let the girls know about your blog so they can follow your travels. Be safe and have lots of fun on this adventure. Chat soon!