Friday, September 28, 2007

Internet Cafe

I actually find it quite therapeutic to write down what I am doing and feeling here. It helps me sort out things and also gives me a break from Spanish. Of course I can´t write down all of my thoughts and feelings since this is a public blog and would be a little too public if I did that, hehe. But still, I like this. I may continue writing after Argentina. It is also useful to communicate with people. I have been attempting to send messages to people on facebook but I keep getting an error, so from now on if you want to write to me and for me to write back to you, please address things to my email address and not my facebook account. If you do not know what facebook is, don´t worry, my mother didn´t either until she saw my account and decided to get one too :P
Anyway, this weekend I am a bit homeless since my host family is going away for the weekend. I am staying at Karl Oskar´s host family tonight (Bruna and Ernesto´s house) and Isabell´s host family tomorrow night. Tomorrow is a girls night so that will be fun. Tonight we were going to go out to a club, but no one felt like going except for me haha, so instead, here I am, at an internet cafe. The man just informed us that this place closes in 5 minutes. Too bad. I guess I should go now. I hope all are well and I apologize for not writing back to people, I actually don´t have much access to the internet. I will attempt to write again soon.


Unknown said...

Wow, it seems like you have sooo much going on. You're going to get back and speak spanish fluently so all the effort you put out now is so worth it! (and then you can come to the US and help me communicate...) :p

It's great to read your blog and hear about everything your doing, so keep posting! I hope everything keeps going well for you!

Anonymous said...

I am glad things are going good, you can email me at work if you want.It is very cool here the last few days. I must go now as I am very tired from all this typing.
Love Dad