Sunday, October 14, 2007


Well I had a rather interesting weekend so I thought I would write about it. Friday night we decided to go out, by we I mean Alex, Karl Oskar and I. Isabell was sick so it was just the three of us. We went to another peñna which happened to be a lot of fun but we didn´t end up gonig home to bed until 7am. And this is normal here! Some clubs give free entrance before 1am because it is so early! Anyway, I slept in till around 2pm the next day and I had to get up and go to Barriletes. It was a really fun day at Barriletes, I have become quite popular with the children since they love to use my digital camera to take pictures. :P Who says you can´t be popular by the things you own? haha. But seriously though, I had a very nice talk with some of the teenagers, even with my limited Spanish. We also had our dance class which is put on by one of the volunteers. I have been participating since the second week and I actually think my dancing is improving, although I feel like an idiot, hehe. Anyway, Saturday night was the birthday of one of my teachers so we went to the party. It began at midnight and we arrived around 12:30. Alex said we were very early and he was right, in the beginning there were very few people. However, imagine to my surprise when I am introduced to 10 Canadians! Very strange. All from Quebec, all speak French as a first language, and some of them speak English as well. I think Alex and Karl Oskar thought it was a bit strange that the language I had in common with people from my own country was Spanish! I got along quite well with one of the girls (Stephanie), we spoke Spanglish together, which was quite fun, as Stephanie would speak in English with ocassional words in Spanish that she didn´t know in English and I would speak in Spanish with ocassional words in English that I didn´t know in Spanish. Stephanie and I decided we both wanted to take Tango lessons, so I have her phone number and we can hopefully get together and take a few classes. One of the Canadian guys was quite good at dancing cumbia and he tried to teach me a bit. It was a lot of fun! The other thing that Karl Oskar and I were amazed by was the price of drinks. We paid 10 pesos ($3 CAN) and could drink as much as we wanted. Haha, don´t worry, I know my limits now :P
Anyway last night was an early night, we came back at 5:30am because Karl Oskar had to wake up for Eco Urbano activites today. Right now we are watching a Rugby match, Agentina against South Africa. I have no idea what is going on so I decided to write a short entry here. It seems so strange that I find Canadians here, in Paraná of all places. Although some of them are separatists and would prefer just to be from Quebec, hehe, but that´s a different story...

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