Monday, October 22, 2007

¡Feliz Cumpleaños!

This past weekend was perhaps the most enjoyable of all my weekends here. This was due in large part to the birthday parties we attended this weekend. On Friday night it was the 50th birthday of Isabell´s host father and the family had planned a big surprise party for him. It was a great time. Great food, great wine (oh yes I really enjoyed the wine! :P), great music and great people. It was quite a big party but not crowded, reminded me of wedding dances that we have in Canada except with very different music (much more latino :P). Again this party was like all the others and we did not get home till after 5am.
The following night it was the 24th birthday party of Mauro (the son of Bruna and Ernesto). A lot of fun again but instead of wine there was blessed tequila hehe. I perhaps had a bit more than was necessary and Karl Oskar and Alex like to call me Borrachellita now. Rochellita is normally what they call me but in Spanish the word for drunk is Borracho/a so now I am Borrachellita. hehe. Very funny.
Anyway, I also went to Barriletes on Saturday in between parties. It was really great. They have all these drums so the kids are learning how to play the drums. Very noisy but lots of fun. Sunday was also mother´s day here so with the younger children we made cards for their mother´s. Saturday evening I also went out with Isabell to a heladeria (ice cream shop). There are many heladerias here and the ice cream is very yummy. Isabell always goes to Barriletes and it is a nice time for her and I to relax together after Barriletes.
I don´t think I have a lot else to write. We leave for Buenos Aires in 4 days. I am very excited. Can´t wait to see Olivia and Maja. We have now booked our bus tickets and youth hostel (due to my insistence that we do it early). Apparently I am taking after my mother and like to plan way ahead for trips, hehe, I still am not sure if it this is a good thing or not...
Adios for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rochelle,
I have been following your blog fairly regularly and have been enjoying your stories from South America. I hope you are able to find a new host family soon, but things seem to be working out well for you in the mean time. It's the curve balls that life throws at you every now and again that keep things interesting.
I had one of those come at me on Saturday nght. I was hosting a performance at the dinner theatre when I found out that one of the cast members had left the province and quit the show without even informing anyone at the theatre. I was asked (actually I volunteered) to step into the role with 30 minutes notice. I carried the script on with me, but in general, the show went off without a hitch and the audience loved it. (I only have a small role so it wasn't too disruptive to the overall production to have me come in at this late date) My first two performances were within 24 hours of this all happening, but now, I have until Wednesday night to work on my part. I should have all the lines down by then (X fingers)
Keep having a great time and keep the blog coming. Cheers
Uncle Rick