Friday, October 12, 2007

My Silence

I haven´t had a chance to write for quite a while now. I can´t believe how fast time has gone by. It is already the 12th of October. I have been quite busy but also there have been some problems. Everything is sorted now but to give a cliff-notes version there were problems with my family which I won´t get into on a public blog, so it was necessary for me to switch families. Problem was, there wasn´t a family that wanted to take me. Haha, that sounds very sad. But anyway, luckily, Bruna (the coordinator of my volunteer year, the host of Karl Oskar, and the aunt of Juanma) is very generous and offered to take me in until we could find an alternative family. It is lovely living with Bruna´s family (There is Bruna, her husband Ernesto, her son Maoru, two dogs and Karl Oskar). The schedule is much different, we don´t eat supper until around 11pm or maybe 11:30 which seems very late to me and the last three nights I have been there we have stayed up till at least 1am talking at the dinner table. It is very nice, I feel like I am getting a lot more practise in Spanish living with Bruna. The only downside is that there is obviously not enough room for me to live there. I am keeping my stuff in Karl Oskar´s room and I am sleeping in Maoru´s room (he is sleeping in an apartment that Bruna owns). It is all okay but it would be nice if I could find my own host family to stay with.

Anyway, onto other things. Spanish classes are good. They are each very differnet since every day of the week we have different teachers. I feel my understanding is improving day by day, and I can remember a month ago how lost I was and it feels good to know that I have improved.

Barriletes is great. I go there every day of the week now except Friday (which is today). But today, there are workshops on at this school and Barriletes is going so I am leaving in the afternoon to do that. I have taken many pictures at Barriletes and as soon as I possibly can I will post them on this blog. I don´t have my cable with me in this internet cafe so I can´t hook up my camera.

This weekend is quite busy. There is a big "fiesta" type thing happening with EcoUrbano all weekend so the others are busy with that. I have Barriletes today and tomorrow as usual and tomorrow night there is a big birthday party for one of my Spanish teachers. I only needed to pay 10 pesos and then you can drink as much as you like. For those of you that haven´t read the currency conversion way back in my blog, 10 pesos is a little more than $3 CAN. Hehehe, excellent...

In exactly two weeks we are leaving to go to Buenos Aires. I am not sure how long I am staying. I am still waiting for Isabell to tell me if she is coming. Alex, Karl Oskar, and I are leaving the 26th of October and meeting Olivia and Maja there. Everyone is staying the weekend together but after Maja is leaving to Peru and others are all going their separate ways as well. That leaves me by myself, unless of course Isabell comes. I am hoping I can stay for longer but if not it will be nice to have a week off anyway to explore Paraná or perhaps take a trip to Cordoba or another city nearby.

I don´t have a lot else to say right now. I have been quite bad a keeping in touch but I will try to go to a interent cafe as often as I can to write to people. I hope you are all well and I´d love to hear from you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting pictures on Facebook Rochelle. They are very nice. I love all the smiles on the kids faces.